Circles - A game changer for Changemakers
Circles is an open-source, co-created, no-nonsense "let's-get-things-done" toolkit for people who want to make a real difference in the world.
There are rules and there are tools. Rules are, by and large, subservient to culture. Tools, on the other hand, shape culture. To create the kind of culture we want to be a part of, we therefore need to design the kind of tools that will make this not only possible but probably. This is ultimately what Circles is about. Building a new culture that enables, supports and rewards cooperation and co-creation. Across the globe.

Circles, in two paragraphs
Circles is an open-source social networking toolkit designed to assist individuals and organisations that want to make an impact on the world. It is designed more as a dashboard than a traditional social network and is built around a global map that you can zoom in and out of.
It sports most of the features other social networks do, but has no advertising, no secret algorithms designed to grab your attention, does not spy on you and does not sell your private data. It does help you find people across the globe to co-create with as well as local activities to take part in. Sort of like a Tinder for Changemakers.

Make Circles Better
We are always open to developers and designers who would like to co-create Circles with us. Though this particular iteration is centralised and managed by the not-for-profit Social Systems Foundation, our long-term goal is that Circles be entirely decentralised where each member becomes a node, hosting their corner of the shared network.
Would you like to join the playground and help us try out new rules, feature and functions? Read more about us on the Project Page.

Current test pilots
Days since deployment
Another number that adds up!
Days until the next onboarding